
The sixth episode of the anime Psychic Princess Tong Ling Fei

 The sixth episode of the anime Psychic Princess

Psychic Princess

Yun Che tried to enter Minister Qian Utian's palace

The episode begins with Yun Xi trying to enter her father's palace Minister Qian Utian from the back door and trying to sneak out without anyone seeing them. Yun Che marveled at the sesame seeds and asked Yun Che why she tried to enter through the back door even though the palace was her father's

  Yun Che told her that she promised her father that if she married as a surrogate for her sister, he would take care of her aunt, then she told them that she was surprised to have earrings with the crown prince even though her aunt could not leave these earrings to anyone, so why did her father take the earrings and give them as a gift to the Crown Prince

Then she showed that how her father could break his pledge that he had made to her. She got married in order for her aunt to remain well, since he broke his promise, then she will not continue as a surrogate as well, and she will take her aunt and go away

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And while they were talking, they found a dog entering through a hole in the wall, so they thought that they would also enter the same way

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?How do the guards let a woman run away from them

The scene turns to Prince Yi Wang as he talks to his guard, that how can they let a woman run away from them, she is just a normal woman. How does this happen

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The guard responds to Yi Wang to tell him that his wife is not a normal woman and she is very intelligent but nevertheless they will keep looking for her and they will find her as soon as possible

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Success in entering the palace

The scene moves to Yun Che after she managed to enter the palace from the hole in one of the walls and she entered with difficulty, mocking the rice ball and telling her that she was fat. Yun Che gets angry at the rice ball talking and beats him and

their voices are raised

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Try to get rid of the maid

One of the maids heard them and asked who was there? Both the rice ball and Yun Shi are worried, but the sesame seeds tell them not to worry and that it will distract the maid away from them Yun Che hears the servant's voice and says that she knows this voice, so she looks to find that she is the special servant she calls Shiu Er. Then Yun Che comes out on her suddenly and the maid panics. She tries to hit her with the stick in her hand But Yun Che held the stick and smiled at her

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Bad treatment

The maid is very happy to see Yun Che and then Yun Che asks her if she has missed her, both Yun Che and the maid enter inside and the maid tells her that she is suffering a lot from Yun Che's father's treatment and the rest is her, but Yun Che reassures her saying that she came to take them with her and then they all run away. Far away, then Yun Che asks where the aunt is, but the maid replies that she doesn't know her location either

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Aunt's serious illness

Then Xiu Er said that the lady had told her that the aunt had contracted malaria so she could not stay in the palace so she kicked her out and did not pay attention to her, Yun Che got very angry at hearing that and said if this woman is the cause then I asked her about her father's reaction and whether he motivated On the authority of her aunt

the maid told her that the master did not care at all and that the lady was responsible for everything that happened in the palace and that Yun Che's sister tormented the servants a lot and Yun Che told her not to worry because she would look for her father and reach an agreement with him

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An important guest goes to the palace

The maid says that today the palace receives a very important guest, so Yun Che will not be able to meet her father, then Yun Che asks about the guest and the maid tells her that he is the leader of the Western tribe and is called Betang Li and that the Grand Master (she means Yun Che's father) has become very close to him and that the second lady She means Yun Che's sister is very impressed with this man (Betang Lee) then makes a sound that the servant lady screams at Shang Er and tells her to go back to work, Yun Che hid so that the lady wouldn't see her and then after she went she said that she would tell her father what was happening
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Attempt to imprison Yun Che

Yun Che tries to enter through one of the gates leading to her father's palace, then the guards stop her, saying who you are, and she tells them that she is the first lady of the palace Yun Che, and the guard replies to her that the palace has one lady, Qian Yunshang, then accuses her of being a fraud and ordered the soldiers to imprison her

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Deceptive Yun Che

Yun Che deceived them and ran away from in front of them, then the rice ball asked her why no one recognized her even though she was the First Lady of the Palace, so she got angry at him and told him that she hadn't been in the palace for a long time so no one would recognize her

Tragedy of Yun Che

And she told him that when she was young, no one cared about her except the aunt, until she was sent to the mountains when she reached the age of seven, and she did not come from her time to this palace, then she screamed that how could she enter the palace in this way, and she found a row of servants, so she thought that she would wear like them Disguised as a maid

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Yun Shi transforms from lady to servant

Yun Shi dressed as servants, carried plates of food and walked behind the servants, and then managed to enter the palace

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Yun Che asked one of the maids what time they would come in and the maid told her that they would enter when the show ended the music inside, when the show ended, the lady servants ordered that the servants enter them to provide food

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Betang Lee admires Princess Yun Che

Upon entering the servants, Betang Li gravitated to Yun Shi and kept staring at her. Minister Qian Utian told him that the palace was specially prepared for him and he provided special food and that the wonderful view of the dishes resembled the ground between the two countries and signified the safety and good relationship between the two countries

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Betang Lee replies that the idea of this dish is good, since it indicates peace and how wonderful it is

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The fall of the maid

He continues to stare at Yun Che, one of the servants' feet slipped and almost fell but Yun Che caught up with her before the fall

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The plate spilled from the hand of the maid into the plate specially prepared for Baitang Li, filling the void that he had expressed that he existed between the two countries

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The minister's punishment for the maid

Minister Qian Utian became very angry at the maid, and the maid began pleading with him to forgive her, but he ordered her 80 lashes

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Yun Che defended the maid

Yun Shi defends her and asks not to be punished, and she has told herself that her father will definitely recognize her and will forgive the maid, but the minister did not recognize her and ordered that both of them be severely punished

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Qian Yunshang rescues the situation

Qian Yunshang enters inside and tells her father that he shouldn't be angry for two petty maids, then asks about the cause of the quarrel and the father tells her what happened and that after the food plate has been spoiled, this indicates a bad omen between the two countries

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But Qian Yunshang tells him that it is wonderful because the broth poured between the two countries indicates that there has always been good relations between the two countries, Qian Yunshang tries to show courtship in front of Betang Li and how smart she is

And her father praises her as well, and she replies that this intelligence and wisdom has learned from you, my father

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The cause of Qian Yunshang's anger

While she is showing courtship in front of Betang Li and then looking at him to see his reaction, she is surprised that he does not look at her and does not care about her, but looks at that maid (Yun Che) and gets very angry about it

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Qian Yunshang's parents ask to salute Betang Li and apologize to him, so she did so but he also didn't care what happened

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Betang Lee continues to stare at Yun Che and then Yun Che wonders why is he staring at her instead of her sister

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Betang Lee's defense of the maid

Betang Li said that he was very impressed with Qian Yunshang's eloquence and that the two maidservants did not mean any offense so he asked the minister to take it easy on them

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Maid's salary deduction

Qian Yun Shang saidSince Betang Li asked for it, Dad, we will be lenient with them and deduct a month from their salary, Yun Che was surprised by what she heard

and how her sister could be so cruel

The parent agreed with Qian Yunshang's words and decided to deduct a month's value from their salary as mercy

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?Why couldn't Yun Che's father recognize her

In another scene, Yun Che appears as she wonders why her father couldn't recognize her. Is this because she is good at disguising, she said as she is very good at disguises. She is also lucky and then asked both the rice ball and the sesame seeds to guess who helped her today

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Betang Li replied while standing behind her that I was the one who helped you so Yun Che was surprised by his arrival and then replied to him arrogantly that she was not referring to him but rather Qian Yun Shang

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Betang Li answered her with an apology because he was likening her to someone he knew and then asked her for her name, but she did not want to tell him and she went

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In another scene, Yi Wang is seen entering a servant and telling him that the informants have information that the minister has invited the leader of the Western tribe to his palace and that your wife is also in the minister's palace

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Prince Yi Wang goes to meet the minister

When Yi Wang heard these words, he said, "Then it is really a spy who was sent to me " and then told him to prepare to go to the Minister's Palace

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